Saturday, May 21, 2011


Hi everybody! (Me) I haven't gotten on for awhile and truthfully I just remembered I had a blog! Please just somebody get on and write something and I will get on and write more things so it'll be fun! :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Hey guess what? I am getting a Dog! It is full Lab. It is blondish brown. The Jefferies dog just had puppies so we are getting one in four to five weeks for $250. And my Uncle (Ryan) and the Atwoods (Big Bry, Julie, Little Bry, Chelsea, and Sammie) all voluntered to give us tips and help us train. Awesome right!? I am so lucky! The luckiest person in the history of mankind! This is so awesome!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

My Favorites!

These are my favorite things even though I'm the only one who gets on and I already no them.
Favorite Colors: Blue, Purple, Yellow, and Orange
Favorite Animals: Hippo, Dolphin, and Monkey
Favorite Icecreams: Chocolate and Mint Chocolate Chip
Favorite Deserts: Smores, Cinnamon Rolls, and Icecream
Favorite Food: Sloppy Joe and Omelets
Favorite Candies: Any Chocolate and Pixy-Stixs
Favorite Sports: Soccer and Tennis
Favorite Names Besides Hannah: Sammie, Izabell, and Zoee
Favorite Fruits: Banana, Strawberry, Cantolope, and Kiwi
Favorite Celebrity: Mia Hamm
Favorite Snack: Chips and Salsa, and Graham Crakers with Milk
What is your main moods: Excited and Curious
That's Me!


Hey sorry I haven't posted for awhile it's just that no one has been leaving comments so I think what's the point, you know. Anyways, I just wanted to say Hi and stuff. See ya later and if you like me PLEASE leave a comment.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hello My Fellow Beings

No one has been getting on my blog lately so if you get on it and leave me a comment I will love you forever whoever you are! Now have a good day and leave me a comment and I will look at it and as I said I will love you forever. Thank you and good day I said GOOD DAY!!!!!

By: Elle Burton

Elle: Hi peoples how are you doing? Lets talk on the phone jk. Do you love your family of course you do everybody does mabey, mabey not said the people! Well I have to go now so bye! Hannah: By the way Elle wrote all of that down and I just put it on my blog so that was all Elle besides I fixed some spelling errors ( almost every word jk ) Elle is a pretty good speller for a 1st grader.