These are my favorite things even though I'm the only one who gets on and I already no them.
Favorite Colors: Blue, Purple, Yellow, and Orange
Favorite Animals: Hippo, Dolphin, and Monkey
Favorite Icecreams: Chocolate and Mint Chocolate Chip
Favorite Deserts: Smores, Cinnamon Rolls, and Icecream
Favorite Food: Sloppy Joe and Omelets
Favorite Candies: Any Chocolate and Pixy-Stixs
Favorite Sports: Soccer and Tennis
Favorite Names Besides Hannah: Sammie, Izabell, and Zoee
Favorite Fruits: Banana, Strawberry, Cantolope, and Kiwi
Favorite Celebrity: Mia Hamm
Favorite Snack: Chips and Salsa, and Graham Crakers with Milk
What is your main moods: Excited and Curious
That's Me!